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- Course name
Photography Editing Boot Camp with Victoria Cerise
- Summary
Would you like to take your photography editing to the next level? Sign up for this course today to learn all about editing within Adobe Lightroom Classic. Together, we will discuss all the ways editing can level up your photos!
How to get the most out of Photography Editing Boot Camp with Victoria Cerise
First, download Adobe Creative Cloud and Lightroom Classic
Have a notebook ready for notes
Read any Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts
Watch that class's recording
Do the assignments after each recorded lesson
Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.
Maximum number of students: 25Total class meetings: 6
Duration of each class: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: Photography Bootcamp (either the live or recorded version)
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade
Suggested credit: ½ semester PhotographyInstructor: Victoria Cerise
Course description: During this course, you will learn all about photography editing basics through Adobe Lightroom Classic. We will discuss the layout of Lightroom, and all the basic features to transform your photographs!
Course outline:
Class I - Why editing is important, how to prepare your photographs for editing, and an overview of Lightroom’s layout
Class II - The “Basic” tab on Lightroom and what each feature means (for color and black & white)
Class III - Cropping, Removing an item from your photo, and Red Eye
Class IV - Color Grading, Lens Correction, Effects
Class V - Masking, and How to Create a Preset
Class VI - Class Critique of ImagesCourse materials: Must have Adobe Lightroom Classic. Lightroom does cost approximately $10.00/month. Can purchase and download here:
You will also need a camera that goes into "M" (manual) setting.
Homework: There will be a photography challenge/assignment after each class, consisting of submitting 2-5 images (depending on the assignment). Students can expect work to take approximately 30 minutes after each class. An answer key is not necessary in this course.
Technical Help: If you have any technical trouble or questions about course content, please email us at
©2023 Homeschool Connections and Victoria Cerise. All rights reserved. This course is designed by Victoria Cerise.
This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.
You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.
- Course name
Photography Editing Boot Camp with Victoria Cerise
- Instructor
Victoria Cerise
- Semester
- Category
Art & Music ➤ Art
- Grade level
High School
- Start time
August 4th, 2023 at 12:00 AM ET
- Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
- Relative due dates
Photography Bootcamp
Middle School Life Science
Anatomy & Physiology
- This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections or purchasers of the course. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment, and in violation of US and International copyright laws.
- You may print or download to your own storage extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.
- Upon completion of the course, you must delete all copies of course materials from any storage on which you saved permissible extracts.
Victoria Cerise
Victoria Cerise, BSN, lives in Cincinnati, OH with her husband. She graduated from The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and worked in the Emergency Department as an RN. Now, she uses her medical knowledge to teach science to students to help them learn the beauty of God’s design in our lives. She also works as a professional Catholic wedding photographer to help show the beauty of a God-centered marriage within her work. She has been strongly involved in prolife activism since college, and continues to do activism today through her photography and prayers. When not teaching or photographing, she is typically found learning new homemaking skills in one of her favorite places ever: her log cabin home!
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© 2023 Homeschool Connections; Victoria Cerise. All Rights Reserved.
Violation of the above copyright policies may result in expulsion without any refund and/or legal action.