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  • A $20 Early Enrollment Discount will be applied if you purchase this course before November 15th, 2024 at 11:59 AM EST.
  • This course has 20 seats remaining.

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Course name
Discovering Your Authentic Beauty & Making Life Full and Fun for Middle School Girls
Live course taught by Lisa Mladinich for Spring 2025 Middle School Catholic Life

Join this middle school course for young women (grades 7-9), and enjoy the Catholic Church’s rich teachings to understand beauty and worth in the eyes of God; the importance of cultivating virtues; healthy friendships; and how an intimate connection with Jesus makes us the most beautiful of all.

How to get the most out of Discovering Your Authentic Beauty & Making Life Full and Fun for Middle School Girls  with Lisa Mladinich:

  • Take notes in class and participate in discussions.

  • Do your weekly copy work (Scriptures to save in a notebook).

  • Do all Challenge assignments before the next class.

  • Do all the readings, preferably before doing the writing assignments.

  • Do the written assignments before the next class, as well as any extra work assigned for that week, including viewing all video resources (unless marked "optional").

  • Once the course is completed to the parents' and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

  • Please sit down with a parent and fill out the SURVEY at the end of the course.

Special notes: This course for young women is offered in two forms: for middle school and for high school. This is the middle school course. The high school course is offered in the Fall Semester. There is similar content taught in both courses but at age-appropriate levels. Discovering Your Authentic Beauty for Middle School Girls with Lisa Mladinich complements the Middle School Boys to Men course with Bill Donaghy for the young men, available through Unlimited Access.

Total Classes: 6

Class Dates: Mondays, January 13 to February 17, 2025.

Starting Time: 2:30 PM Eastern (1:30 Central; 12:30 Mountain; 11:30 Pacific)

Duration: 50 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade

Suggested Credit: ½ semester Theology

Instructor Bio: Lisa Mladinich

Fee: For all 6 classes: $99 if you register on or before November 15, $119 if you register after Nov. 15. (Registration closes one week before the first day of class. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments after the course is closed.)

Course Description: This is an introduction to the rich teachings of the Catholic Church on beauty and femininity, for girls 7th to 9th grade. In a culture that degrades femininity and causes painful confusion for girls about beauty, aging, and body image, the Catholic understanding of beauty is truly a Godsend. Based on the instructor's best-selling book, True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life, girls will come to understand their own beauty and worth in the eyes of God, as well as the importance of cultivating virtue, healthy friendships, and an intimate connection with Jesus in their souls.

Course Outline:

  • Class 1: BEAUTY – What beauty looks like for you; what it is to be a young woman of beauty; why beauty is more than skin deep; the beauty of your actions; thinking clearly and confidently; family support

  • Class 2: FEMININITY – Teen life and femininity; how Catholic ideas about femininity help us to be happy; what femininity means to you; finding your strengths; how your healthy femininity can help change the world!

  • Class 3: MODESTY – God’s image of us; images of modesty in our favorite media; modesty in the way we look, act, and speak; virtues that make us strong women of faith; ways to make fashion fun and modest

  • Class 4: FRIENDSHIPS – How to be a great friend; friendships in literature and media; friendships in the Bible and among the saints – and what they can teach us; friendship struggles and how to overcome them

  • Class 5: MERCY – The role of the Church in my life; prayer and why it's important to me; forgiving others vs. holding grudges; what we need to know about forgiveness; how prayer changes us and changes others

  • Class 6: VOCATIONS – What it’s like to be a leader; serving others through prayer and healthy relationships; the best way to think about learning; listening to God; beauty and my own uniqueness; reaching for and respecting our (and others) hopes and dreams

Course Materials: Provided FREE by the instructor, includes excerpts from True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life, lives of the saints, documents of the Church, and other relevant resources.

Homework: Weekly readings and assignments with grading and direct feedback from the instructor. Expect to spend one to two hours per week on homework outside of class time.

Course name
Discovering Your Authentic Beauty & Making Life Full and Fun for Middle School Girls
Lisa Mladinich
Spring 2025
Theology ➤ Catholic Life
Grade level
Middle School
Course type
Seats available
25 seats available
Seats remaining
20 seats remaining
Start time
January 13th, 2025 at 2:30 PM ET
End time
February 17th, 2025 at 4:00 PM ET
Access start time
December 30th, 2024 at 12:54 AM ET
Access end time
December 30th, 2025 at 12:00 AM ET
Enrollment availability start time
March 5th, 2024 at 9:54 AM ET
Early enrollment discount ends
November 15th, 2024 at 11:59 AM ET
Late enrollment penalty start time
January 6th, 2025 at 12:54 AM ET
Enrollment availability end time
January 9th, 2025 at 12:55 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Lisa Mladinich

Lisa Mladinich is the new host of the winter REFRESH and summer INSPIRE virtual conferences for homeschooling Catholic families, sponsored by Homeschool Connections. She is also the host of a NEW podcast  Homeschooling Saints, sponsored by Homeschool Connections.

Mrs. Mladinich is very proud to be an instructor for Homeschool Connections, with courses in academic writing, leadership, study skills, and her original courses for middle and high school girls about the Church’s life-changing and liberating teachings on authentic beauty. (See Theology Department listings for “Discovering Your Authentic Beauty and Making Life Full and Fun for Middle School Girls” and “True Radiance! Discovering Your Authentic Beauty as a Young Woman,” for high school girls.)

A Catholic Life Coach, Mrs. Mladinich is dedicated to helping her clients create a life they love, for God’s greater glory. (For more information about True Vine Breakthrough Coaching, contact [email protected].)

A nationally-recognized speaker and the host of Shalom World TV’s WOMAN: Strong Faith, True Beauty, Mrs. Mladinich is also a regular voice on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air with John Harper. She has appeared on EWTN TV’s Women of GraceSunday Night PrimeBookMark, and Catholic Mom’s Café,  as well as CatholicTV’s This is the Day, the Son Rise Morning ShowThe Jennifer Fulwiler Show, Busted Halo, and many other Catholic television and radio programs.
She is also the host of Triumph, a free online gathering that meets (live, via Zoom) once-per-month, starting March 8, 2019. During the 30 to 40-minute session, Mrs. Mladinich leads the Rosary and teaches attendees to appreciate its power in our times, through short lessons based on the superb scholarship of Father Donald Calloway, MIC. Dedicated to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the group also offers attendees a loving prayer community to thrive in. To opt in to the group, please email her at [email protected].

Her award-winning best-seller, True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life (Servant Books), sparked a renewed conversation about authentic beauty and aging. Her newest full-length book, the best-selling Heads Bowed: Prayers for Catholic School Days (Liguori), is packed with delightful Catholic prayers that help adults and children grow in their faith together.
Mrs. Mladinich has contributed to two best-selling devotionals from Ave Maria Press: The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, edited by Lisa Hendey and Sarah Reinhard, and Word by Word: Slowing Down With the Hail Mary, edited by Sarah Reinhard. She also wrote entries for Why Should I Learn This? from Homeschool Connections and Tending the Temple: 365 Days of Physical and Spiritual Devotions, from Bezalel Books.

Her writing can be also be found at AmazingCatechists.com; CATECHIST Magazine; Catholic Digest; CatholicMom.comWINE: Women in the New Evangelization; and her booklets, Be an Amazing Catechist: Inspire the Faith of Children and Be an Amazing Catechist: Sacramental Preparation, available from Our Sunday Visitor in English and Spanish.
Lisa Mladinich is a member of the elite Catholic speakers’ agency, CMG Booking.

Click here to find out more info about Lisa Mladinich!

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