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Course name
Adobe Photoshop Elements with Margaret Morrow, Ph.D
Recorded course taught by Peggy Morrow for High School Editing/Computer Skills


Develop photo-editing skills for your future career and for personal use! This course gives you the foundation you need for Adobe Photoshop success. Middle through high school students welcome!

How to get the most out of Adobe Photoshop Elements with Margaret Morrow, Ph.D.:

  • First, read the course materials below before watching the first class recording.

  • Then have a notebook ready and available for class notes each live session.

  • Read assignments before class meetings

  • Watch that week’s recording.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Special Notes: This course meets twice per week for 4 weeks.

Total Classes: 7

Duration: 50 minutes

Prerequisite: The ability to acquire the required software/applications (see Course Materials section). The student should have a general familiarity with computers – the ability to open applications, use menu-driven commands, and type using the keyboard – so that the emphasis of time can be placed on specific skills.

Suggested Grade Level: 7th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: ½ semester Computer Skills or Photo Editing

Instructor: Margaret Morrow, Ph.D

Instructor Email:

Course Description: Learn to use the most popular Photo Editing tools while making fun and creative projects.  The skills mastered in the course will help students to successfully produce materials for their other courses both in middle school, high school, and on into college.  Students will learn how to crop, layer, blend, touch-up, and filter images. This will also teach them to analyze images that they encounter, and question how they were created and manipulated.

Course Outline:

  • Classes 1 and 2 – Introduction, Fixing and Enhancing Images

  • Classes 3 and 4 – Adding Shapes and Text, Editing

  • Classes 5 and 6 – Filters, Colors, Selections, Layers

  • Classes 7– Final Composition.

Course Materials: Students will need to purchase Adobe Photoshop Premiere Elements, Student, and Teacher edition.  It comes bundled with Adobe Premiere Elements (video editing) for the same price as purchasing it alone and can be found here.

Staples   (still $79.99, but probably won't last)

Amazon  ($149.99)

 Adobe    ($149.99)

Homework:  Each day, students can expect to spend between 15 to 60 minutes 5 days per week working on their compositions.  Students will work each week towards creating a portfolio of pictures that demonstrate their touch-up skills.  They can expect to create approximately 8 compositions a week, culminating in a portfolio with 24 or more pieces of their work. A weekly schedule will be provided.

Grading: Grades will be categorized as follows:  learning experiences - 70%, assessments - 20%, participation – 10%.   The projects and exams that you complete will serve as part of your assessment grade, everything else will count as a learning experience.

Answer Key: An answer key  booklet is not included with this course.

Technical Help: If you have any technical trouble or questions about course content, please email us at

©2020 Homeschool Connections and Margaret Morrow, Ph.D. All rights reserved. This course is designed by Margaret Morrow, Ph.D.

  • This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.

  • You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.

Course name
Adobe Photoshop Elements with Margaret Morrow, Ph.D
Peggy Morrow
Computer Science ➤ Editing/Computer Skills
Grade level
High School
Start time
September 9th, 2020 at 12:00 AM ET
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Dr Peggy Morrow, PhD

Dr. Peggy Morrow holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Applications Management and a Masters of Science in Technology Management from the University of Maryland University College Campus, as well as a Ph.D. in Policy Science from University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Initially, she worked for 20 years as a software engineer working on a number of interesting projects for employers including the National Weather Service, DC’s Metro System, and Orbital Science. Dr. Morrow has spent the past 18 years teaching computer science, business, and math at the university, middle, and high school levels.

Dr. Morrow discovered homeschooling with her youngest son. Additionally, she has taught Catholic religious education, helped with the middle and high school youth at her parish, and volunteered with Catholic Prison Ministries.

Dr. Morrow lives outside of Denver with her husband. She has three grown sons and six grandchildren (her grandsons 4 cousins have adopted her as their grandmother). Dr. Morrow teaches accounting, computer science, and math.

Click here for more Info about Peggy Morrow!