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Course name
Introduction to Physical Education and Health with Kevin Kiernan
Recorded course taught by Kevin Kiernan High School Health Science

Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

Ready to get moving? Join this course to learn some basic workout techniques and get credit for Physical Education. Come to class with plenty of water at your side and dressed for exercise.

How to get the most out of Intro to Physical Education and Health with Kevin Kiernan:

  • Come to class dressed in comfortable workout clothing, water, and weights (if you have them). Eating a small snack before work out is recommended.

  • Read assignments before class meetings and check out and resources posted

  • Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total class meetings: 8

Duration:    45 minutes per class

Prerequisite: In good health, since these exercises will become rigorous.

Suggested grade level: 8th to 12th grade

Suggested credit:  ½ semester Physical Education

Instructor: Kevin Kiernan

Course Description:  This is a two-week course covering health-related aspects of physical fitness including flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition.   We will work on developing better mobility and stability through physical exercises.  While learning about the musculoskeletal system and how proper nutrition and exercise benefit that system.

Course outline:

Day 1: Warmup, squats, leg raises, lunges, stretch exercises / How to warm up / Benefits of Physical Activity, Sleep, and Hydration / Quiz

Day 2: Warmup, pushups, superman, crunches, stretch exercises / Nutrition and a balanced exercise program / Quiz

Day 3: Warmup, shoulder circles, towel curl, narrow pushups, oblique, cool down exercises / How to Increase Aerobic Fitness/risks & benefits of sunglasses / Protecting your skin / Quiz

Day 4: Warmup, superman, squats, leg raises, lunges, stretch exercises / Your Muscular Fitness / essential vitamins and minerals / Quiz

Day 5:  Warmup, squats, leg raises, lunges, superman, stretch exercises / Your Flexibility / identifying activated muscles / fat-soluble vs water-soluble vitamins / Estrogen vs Testosterone / Quiz

Day 6:  Warmup, crunches, pushups, shoulder circles, stretch exercises / Sharpening Your Functional Fitness/benefits of abdominal strength/benefits of water / What is CrossFit? / Quiz

Day 7: Warmup, towel curl, narrow pushups, oblique, stretch exercises / Supplements: What to take and when / effective triceps exercises/sodium fluoride vs calcium fluoride / Quiz

Day 8: Warmup, squats, leg raises, lunges, superman, stretch exercises/ Meeting the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, how to do leg raises, sleep for recovery, different types of squats, /Quiz and Final Exam

Course materials:   Dumbbells or resistance bands are needed for some exercises.  All academic information will be provided free by the instructor.

Homework: The live class will be actual physical exercises for increased mobility and strength.  We will start with a warmup, stretching, then muscle development exercises. Students will have daily assigned readings and a daily quiz with a final exam. (The quizzes and exam are auto-graded by the computer.)

Technical Help: If you have any technical trouble or questions about course content, please email us at homeschoolconnections@gmail.com.

©2023 Homeschool Connections and Kevin Kiernan.  All rights reserved. This course is designed by Kevin Kiernan.

  • This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.

  • You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.

Course name
Introduction to Physical Education and Health with Kevin Kiernan
Kevin Kiernan
Science ➤ Health Science
Grade level
High School
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Start time
June 17th, 2023 at 12:00 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Kevin Kiernan

Mr. Kiernan has been with Homeschool Connections since 2018. As a classroom monitor, Mr. Kiernan has been teaching history, geography, science, mythology, religion, and literature before class through the pre-class Jeopardy games he produces. Mr. Kiernan is a Catholic husband and father to five children, with the youngest two using Homeschool Connections to finish their high school requirements.

Mr. Kiernan is a former competitive cross country and track & field athlete, competitive weight lifting athlete, CCS and WERA licensed motorcycle road racer, AMA motocross racer, and ATV Institute safety instructor. He is currently an NRA rifle, pistol, and shotgun instructor and competitive rifle and pistol, shooter. Mr. Kiernan studied mechanical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has owned several businesses in the Powersports industry, and is currently the owner of Redline Rentals LLC. He is an active stock market day trader.

Mr. Kiernan enjoys hiking with his dog, weight lifting, mountain biking, target shooting, and spending time with his family, as well as debating politics and religion.

Click here for more info about Kevin Kiernan!

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