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Course name
Grade School Beginning Latin, Part One with Olivia Jones
Recorded course taught by Olivia Jones Grade School Grade School Latin

Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

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How to get the most out of GS Beginning Latin, Part One: 

  • Read this page before watching the first class meeting.

  • It is recommended that a parent watch the weekly class to best assist students in making materials and doing memory work.

This is Part One of a two-part course.The Angelus

Total Classes: 12 at 30 minutes each. 

Course materials: Lingua Latina Book 1: Familia Romana by Hans Orberg, ISBN 13: 9781585104208. This book is used for multiple years of grade school Latin and need only be purchased once. Students may purchase a used copy through

A total of 60 blank flashcards for vocabulary words and terms must be available to the student starting on the first day of class. Some means of taking pictures of flashcards and uploading them to Caravel will be required.


I have labeled the assignments by the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) as a suggestion. This suggestion has two benefits: clear tasks for each day and a four day per week school schedule.

On average, students should spend 30-45 minutes outside of class on homework every week.


Each week you will complete the following.

  1. Recording: Watch the recording posted this week with a notebook ready to take notes. (After watching you can use the PowerPoint as a reference as needed.)

  2. Flashcards: Make your vocabulary flashcards and study them DAILY. Use my video for help. Upload your pictures if they are due that week.

  3. Quizzes: Re-teach what you learned last class to a family member. Complete your Magister/Magistra quiz. Take your weekly quiz.

NOTE: there is a special project due in Week 12 (the last week).

Course name
Grade School Beginning Latin, Part One with Olivia Jones
Olivia Jones
Mandi Gette
Grade School ➤ Grade School Latin
Grade level
Grade School
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Start time
December 19th, 2023 at 12:00 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Olivia Jones

Mrs. Olivia Jones graduated from Wyoming Catholic College, where she spent four years studying Latin through the immersion method. She participated in weeklong Latin immersion camping trips in Utah and Wyoming, in which only Latin was spoken among the participants, and led one her senior year.

After college, Mrs. Jones moved with her husband to Texas, where she has enjoyed sharing her love of Latin through both in-person classes and online tutoring. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have been blessed so far with one baby boy.

In addition to Latin, Mrs. Jones enjoys studying bioethics, reading history aloud with her husband, learning Gregorian chant, and long hikes.

Mrs. Jones is currently pursuing a certification in advanced Ecclesiastical Latin through the Veterum Sapientia Institute.

Click here for more info about Olivia Jones!

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