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Course name
Physics with Lab, Part One with Thomas Frederick
Recorded course taught by Tom Frederick High School Physics

Instructor Grading Support for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

Learn about the world around you and spark curiosity with the physics of motion and momentum, Newton’s laws, gravitation, work, energy, and power, and develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills with dynamic science.

Course Description: This 14-week course is the first course in a two-course series in introductory Physics concepts. The class does not rely too heavily on advanced mathematical calculations but algebraic understanding is required. Instead, we will stick to principles, overarching concepts, and major theories and how they apply to our everyday lives. Students will have live instruction once a week, as well as frequent online interactives and simulations that will assist them in understanding and applying knowledge. The course is a survey of topics in physics with the goal of leading toward further study (Advanced Placement or College Prep Physics). Students will build on their natural intuition—and break some commonly held misconceptions. Students will learn how the cosmos that God created works and apply the laws of physics to everyday examples in their lives. Students will learn that physics is phun!

Total Classes: 14 (This is Part One of a two-part course)

Duration: 75 minutes

Prerequisite: Algebra I. Geometry is beneficial.
Suggested Credit: One full semester of Science or Physics.
Instructor: Thomas Frederick, MS   Email:  tomfrederick42@gmail.com


If you have any questions please contact us at homeschoolconnections@gmail.com.

©2023 Homeschool Connections and  Thomas Frederick.  All rights reserved.

This course is designed by Thomas Frederick. 

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To Begin Week One, click on the Week Title below and it will expand to show that week's course materials.

Course name
Physics with Lab, Part One with Thomas Frederick
Tom Frederick
Science ➤ Physics
Grade level
High School
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Start time
December 21st, 2023 at 12:00 AM ET
End time
February 18th, 2025 at 8:32 PM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Thomas Frederick

Thomas (Tom) Frederick is a former Physics and Mathematics teacher at Saline High School in Michigan. He has thirty-plus years of classroom and online experience helping young people understand and apply mathematics and physics. Mr. Frederick holds a Master of Science in Physics Education from Eastern Michigan University, and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Michigan.

In addition to being a teacher, Mr. Frederick was a high school Cross Country Coach for fifteen years and the Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Confirmation Director for seven years at his local parish. In that time, he built up the youth program from a handful of moderately-committed kids to 75-100 young people packing the youth room every Sunday night and falling in love with Jesus and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic church! Suffice it to say, he enjoys working with high school-aged young adults in a myriad of different venues–and especially enjoys living and sharing his Catholic faith.

Mr. Frederick and his wife homeschooled their seven children through early grades and they now all attend Catholic schools. In his spare time, he enjoys running, Scripture study, fixing computers, gardening, and keeping up a small orchard. His old classroom web page can be found online at www.physicsisphun.org.

Click here for more info about Tom Frederick!

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