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- Course name
Build Your Own Computer! with Evan Uebel
- Summary
Do you want to understand what goes on inside a computer and maybe even build your own? Join us for a hands-on exploration of the compatibility between the parts of a computer and how they work together to make a running system.
Course description: What is a CPU, a motherboard, or RAM? In this course, students will learn the parts of the computer in detail. They will learn about the compatibility between the parts and how they work together to make a running system. The instructor will show students how to build their own computer using the recommended materials—this is a highly technical project, but don’t worry! You will be able to watch recordings of the tutorials to help you build at your own pace. In the videos, there are several sessions for troubleshooting hardware issues. (Note that if you are not quite ready to build your own computer, or don’t have all the parts yet, you will still be able to learn how to build one.
Instructor: Evan Uebel
Mid-Range Parts or High-End Parts
- Course name
Build Your Own Computer! with Evan Uebel
- Instructor
Evan Uebel
- Semester
- Category
Computer Science ➤ Introduction to Computer Science
- Grade level
High School
- Start time
June 17th, 2024 at 5:30 PM ET
- Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
- Relative due dates
- This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections or purchasers of the course. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment, and in violation of US and International copyright laws.
- You may print or download to your own storage extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.
- Upon completion of the course, you must delete all copies of course materials from any storage on which you saved permissible extracts.
Total classes
If you plan to build your computer during the workshop, have all computer components in hand before watching the recordings. If you are planning to build later, make sure you have a plan for sourcing parts.
Suggested grade level
Suggested credit
Recordings 1-2: An overview of the personal computer (PC) components.
Recordings 3-6: Putting the PC together and troubleshooting.
The following assignments must be completed. There will be two quizzes. The first quiz will be on identifying the components of a computer. The second quiz will be on where the component goes in the computer. There will also be a writing assignment in which students will have to think about how they would customize their computer to perform best for the tasks they wish to complete. This assignment will be 5 to 7 paragraphs in length.
Special notes
This is a hands-on workshop in which you will learn all you need to know to build your own computer. You can build it either during the workshop OR whenever you are ready!
The cost of components will be $733 to $1211, depending on the configuration you choose. The suggested parts lists are Mid-Range or High-End Parts will vary in price and may need to be purchased from multiple sites. Used parts are possible but come with no warranty, and the life of the part may vary.
You will also need a screwdriver to complete the build.
Evan Uebel
Evan is a lifelong enthusiast of technology. From a young age he was playing with computers and computer parts. During highschool he taught myself computer programming, which really opened my eyes of what technology could do for us. He earned an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems from my local community college and later went on to earn a Bachelors of Science in Computer Networks and Cybersecurity. All the time he continued to play with new technologies he was learning about. He works full time as a System Administrator for a software company.
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