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Course name
Accounting, Part Two with Margaret Morrow, Ph.D.
Recorded course taught by Peggy Morrow for High School Accounting/Business

Sign up today to prepare for college and get the skills that businesses require. In this high-level course, you will learn to analyze business transactions, prepare financial documents, prepare tax statements, and more.


Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

How to get the most out of Accounting, Part Two with Margaret Morrow:

  • First, read the course details below along with the syllabus and welcome letter.

  • Purchase the suggested textbook and workbook used. Most of the assignments are completed using spreadsheet tools.  Excel or a free tool such as Google Sheets or Open Office can be used.

  • Prepare either an electronic or paper notebook to keep track of information in the video lectures.

  • Each class contains: two recordings: one for the lecture and one for the Q&A session, one or more lessons, several accounting problems, and optionally a quiz.  Answer keys are provided for the accounting problems and part two of the quizzes.

  • Most units culminate in two quizzes: a multiple/choice quiz that Caravel grades automatically, and a problem that can be graded with the answer key, and the course culminates in a final project/assessment which can be graded with the rubric that is part of the answer booklet.

  • To begin the course, click on the "Recording" for topic 1, and watch Professor Morrow’s lecture for Class One, the recording for the Q&A session, and then complete the class 1 assignment.

  • All assignments will require grading, quizzes will be scored automatically.  Several assignments are demonstrated during the videos.

  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the PowerPoint.

  • Repeat until all 28 classes are complete.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.


Special notes: This is Part Two of a 2-part course. Part One is required for registration.

Total classes: 28

Duration: 30 minutes

Prerequisite: Accounting, Part One

Suggested Grade Level: 10th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: 1 full semester Accounting; Math; or Financial Literacy


Instructor: Margaret Morrow, Ph.D.

Instructor Email:


Course Description: This is part 2 of a year-long course which serves as an introduction to basic bookkeeping and accounting principles. As such, it is designed for anyone wanting to better understand how money, personal finance, and business work. Additionally, the course equips students with the skills to obtain a job working as an either a bookkeeper or accounting clerk in both small and large organizations.

A major goal of this class is for students comprehend the powerful financial advantage their accounting education will afford them- now and in the future! When students appreciate how a worthwhile subject can improve their lives, comprehension is dramatically increased, as the desire to learn becomes a driving force. Therefore, below is a partial list of course topics that are intended to motivate students to excel in accounting:

  • Teach students how to use accounting strategies to manage their allowances and/or earnings

  • Teach students how the basic workings of the federal tax system. Thereafter, students will learn to employ tax minimization and/or deferment strategies

  • Students will learn how accounting can be used to manage and expand any type of business venture

  • Students will learn basic bookkeeping tools that will enable them to find full or part-time office employment

  • Students will enhance their resume by gaining competence working with electronic spreadsheets tools

The second-semester topics focus on accounting principles and practices for a sole proprietorship or family-run business.


Course Outline:

  • Unit 1 – The Income Statement, classes 1 - 6

    Unit 2 – Adjusting and Closing Entries, classes 7 - 10

    Unit 3 – Payroll Records , classes 11 - 17

    Unit 4 – Payroll Taxes and Reporting, classes 18 - 23

    Unit 5 – Business Simulations, classes 23 - 28

Course Materials:

1. Access to a spreadsheet tool such as Open Office, Libre Office, Google Sheets, or Microsoft Excel;

2. Textbook – LifePac Accounting 10 Unit Set  (units 1 through 5 can also be purchased separately)   ISBN 10 – 0740301969  ISBN 13 – 9780740301964 (

Homework: Assignments, unit tests, and exams will provide students with hands-on practice using the tools of accounting. Daily practice is important to apply and master the concepts. A daily schedule will be provided to guide student learning. Students can expect to spend 0.5-2 hours a day 5 days per week on their assignments.


©2022 Homeschool Connections and  Margaret Morrow, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

This course is designed by Peggy Morrow. All primary rights to materials are to the designer.

  • This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.

  • You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.


7c58a8b46f5c8fbf928eea74a532cf40074507d7.pngTechnical Help: If you experience technical difficulty with watching the recorded classes or have a question about course content, please email us at

Course name
Accounting, Part Two with Margaret Morrow, Ph.D.
Peggy Morrow
Grade level
High School
Start time
May 4th, 2022 at 12:00 AM ET
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Dr Peggy Morrow, PhD

Dr. Peggy Morrow holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Applications Management and a Masters of Science in Technology Management from the University of Maryland University College Campus, as well as a Ph.D. in Policy Science from University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Initially, she worked for 20 years as a software engineer working on a number of interesting projects for employers including the National Weather Service, DC’s Metro System, and Orbital Science. Dr. Morrow has spent the past 18 years teaching computer science, business, and math at the university, middle, and high school levels.

Dr. Morrow discovered homeschooling with her youngest son. Additionally, she has taught Catholic religious education, helped with the middle and high school youth at her parish, and volunteered with Catholic Prison Ministries.

Dr. Morrow lives outside of Denver with her husband. She has three grown sons and six grandchildren (her grandsons 4 cousins have adopted her as their grandmother). Dr. Morrow teaches accounting, computer science, and math.

Click here for more Info about Peggy Morrow!