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Advanced Rhetoric & Writing 1: Rhetoric, Figures of Speech, Essays, & Papers (HS 12-1) with Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA
- Summary
Join this advanced college-prep writing course and learn how to write in the nine rhetorical modes, with dozens of rhetorical techniques and devices to make your writing strong. Much of this course is equivalent to first-year college writing, so you can get what it takes to write excellent college-level essays and papers now. Be sure to sign up for 12-2 for a complete year of senior-level college-prep writing.
Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course for $154!
See the sidebar to the left for signup information!Instructor: E. B. Conroy, MA, MFA
Course Description: Give your teen the advanced skills to make writing strong and clear. In this course, your student will learn how to use foundational college writing skills—including in-depth use of the nine basic forms of rhetoric (rhetorical modes); identifying and using major rhetorical strategies and figures of speech; and pre-writing, drafting, and editing a comparison and contrast paper. Students will also use advanced writing methods for a paper’s hook, thesis, introduction, body, conclusion, and key rewriting skills with specific, individual feedback from the instructor. Vocabulary related to upper-level writing will be introduced and integrated into the learning. Specific class time will be used to show how to edit and revise upper-level work. This course content is a prerequisite for many colleges for college-bound students.
©2012-2024 Homeschool Connections and Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA (aka author Erin Brown Conroy/E. B. Conroy) All rights reserved.
This course is designed by Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA.
This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.
You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.
Technical Help: If you experience technical difficulty with watching the recorded classes or have a question about course content, please email us at
Important! Read the following before the first class!
1. No Pre-Work Needed
There are no activities and no assignments to turn in before Week 1. Simply come to Class 1 ready to listen, take notes, and learn.
2. Opening Weekly Content
Each week's content will be "opened" after the week's class is taught, to allow students to focus on the week at hand.
3. Assignment Due Dates
Assignments are due at the start of the class as noted. Assignments uploaded after the date/time of the start of the class will lose one grade level's worth of points. For example, if an assignment is due Week 2 at the start of the class and is uploaded after the class begins or anytime within the week, an "B" grade moves to a "C."
Even if you miss a deadline, turn in the work! Some points are better than no points.
4. Extenuating Circumstances for Extending Assignment Due Dates
Acceptable reasons for extending a due date are illness, accident, or death in the family/close friend. Simply contact the instructor, Professor Brown, at and discuss the situation for an extension.5. Student Expectations -- Parent Expectations
Before the course begins, please read the pages on "expectations" that are provided for you here. Thank you!6. Questions and Contacting the Instructor
Both parents and students are welcome to email with questions. If taking the course LIVE and you have questions, please email the instructor sooner than later. Email responses are within 24 to 48 business day hours. Questions about assignments must be emailed before Friday at noon, to get a response before the next class begins.
7. Organize your Materials, Be Prepared, and Come Prepared
This is an advanced, pre-college writing course. As such, you're expected to read and complete all of the materials and assignments in a timely, responsible way and engage in the class. Come prepared to class with all of the previous work completed, all readings printed and saved in a notebook (with annotations and highlights), and a blank notebook and writing tool for taking notes.
As a former college professor who cares about your success, to prepare you for college and beyond, I expect your kind and focused attention, great questions, and your best work. Writing is rewriting -- so it's expected that you do not turn in a first draft but, instead, work through two or more drafts before turning in your work. Teachers and professors don't give grades; grades are earned -- so it's up to you to give your best.
And if you have ANY questions or at any time feel lost or need a word of encouragement, reach out right away! You'll find I'm here for you, to do your best. Simplified Writing 101: Top Secrets for College Success, by Erin Brown Conroy:
Buy the hard copy of the book here:
OR, buy the Kindle version of the book here (Download the FREE Kindle app to easily read on your computer, tablet, or mobile device):
Microsoft Word or the ability to convert a document to a Word-compatible document is required. If you do not own Microsoft Word, you can use a system such as Google Docs that converts to Word documents FREE.- Course name
Advanced Rhetoric & Writing 1: Rhetoric, Figures of Speech, Essays, & Papers (HS 12-1) with Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA
- Instructors
Maureen Ryan, Mia Sayre
- Semester
- Category
Writing ➤ 12 Series: College Prep Writing
- Grade levels
High School
- Editors
Aubrey Heki, Sharon Hamric-Weis, Bonnie Donlon, Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA, Michael Stoumbos, Donna Graziose, Daniel Massett
- Start time
December 15th, 2020 at 12:00 AM ET
- Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
- Relative due dates
10-1 and 10-2 Vocabulary and Writing
12-1 and 12-2 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing
X-21 Story Writing: How to Write a Children’s Book– Picture Books, Readers, Chapter Books, and Middle-Grade Stories
X-22 Story Writing: Journaling to Become a Better Writer and Storyteller
Special notes
Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course for $154!
See the sidebar to the left for signup information!
Note! This course is considered an advanced writing, pre-college course. As such, there is a greater amount of homework due each week -- and students are expected to have the skills of the 9-Series FOUNDATIONS courses and the 10-Series and 11-Series DEVELOPMENT courses here at the Aquinas Writing Advantage program. If you have not taken the previous courses, then it will help the student's success to watch (*or review) the 9-3 and 9-4 courses before taking this course.
Special Notes: This is the first of a 2-part series. Continue with HS 12-2 in the spring for a full year of Advanced Writing. The 12-series courses are foundational for all high school students and essential for college-bound students. The Franciscan University of Steubenville recommends completion of this course before taking their dual-enrollment courses (
Total classes
Required: High School Essential Writing 1-4 (HS 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, & 9-4). Because this is an advanced course that assumes your student has key writing foundations and the advanced writing how-to's in place that are specifically taught at Aquinas Writing Advantage (AWA), 9-1 through 9-4 writing courses are required prerequisites. Recommended: High School Vocabulary and Writing 1 & 2 (HS 10-1 & 10-2). Students may take the prerequisites in Unlimited Access recording or LIVE. An alternative to the prerequisite: a passing assessment from the Aquinas Writing Advantage Assessment service. Please contact for any questions on permissions.
Suggested grade level
Suggested credit
Course Outline:
Class 1: The academic paper; advanced academic writing with strong thesis construction, hooks, and introductions
Class 2: Rhetorical Mode 1 - Narration; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (tropes, aposiopesis, apostrophe, chiasmus, epithet)
Class 3: Rhetorical Mode 2 - Comparison and Contrast; creating a thesis and hook for your paper
Class 4: Rhetorical Mode 3 - Illustration and Exemplification; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (litotes, zeugma, euphemism, idiom)
Class 5: Rhetorical Mode 4 - Description; drafting your paper’s outline
Class 6: Rhetorical Mode 5 - Process Analysis; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (hyperbole, metonymy, metaphor, mixed metaphor, extended metaphor); prewriting for papers
Class 7: Rhetorical Mode 6 - Definition; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (bathos, caricature, Deus ex machine, epiphany), and your paper’s rough draft
Class 8: Rhetorical Mode 7 - Cause and Effect; advanced methods of draft revision 1
Class 9: Rhetorical Mode 8 - Division and Classification; advanced methods of draft revision 2; formatting advanced academic works (brief style guide introduction)
Class 10: Rhetorical Mode 9 - Argumentation and integrating rhetorical strategies into upper-level writing
LIVE course and Instructor Access students will have weekly writing assignments with grading and direct feedback from the instructor (parents will grade Recorded students' work), with an estimated four (4) to five (5) hours per week for homework outside of class time that includes researching, reading, writing, and responding to feedback.
Maureen Ryan

About Maureen Ryan
Maureen Ryan, BA, is a professional writer with more than twenty-five years of experience writing articles and creating content for a wide variety of news outlets, magazines, websites, and book publishers. She has taught writing across grade levels in classrooms and online for more than twelve years. Mrs. Ryan has a Bachelor of Arts in English and studied interactive learning at Teachers College, Columbia University.
As the executive editor for, she helped refine the educational publisher’s interactive teaching tools and web-based lesson plans for grades PreK-12 and relaunched the site’s online writing tutorials hosted by award-winning authors. In addition to writing and mentoring, Mrs. Ryan has homeschooled her three children for more than 12 years. Having graduated her oldest, she continues to teach her younger two.
“I feel extremely blessed,” says Mrs. Ryan, “to be able to combine my love for teaching and writing with an opportunity to serve homeschool families.”
Mrs. Ryan is the Instructor Access one-on-one mentor/grader for the 6/7 Series Foundational courses (6/7-1, 6/7-2, 6/73, and 6/7-4); the 12-1 and 12-2 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing; the 11-9 course, Business Writing 1: Professional Writing Essentials; and the COLL-1 Essay Test Mastery course.
She teaches the following courses live:
Mia Sayre

Mrs. Mia Sayre holds Bachelor of Arts in English from Ohio Christian University and has studied at Franciscan University of Steubenville and abroad in Austria. Aside from her role as the Aquinas Writing Advantage Pre-College Writing Support Specialist, she has been a university student grader, writing coach, and course developer for pre-college writing and college/scholarship essay writing. Mrs. Sayre also holds Professional Coach Certification from Duquesne University, guiding students in success achievement, coaching families, and supporting postpartum mothers. At home in Ohio, Mrs. Sayre enjoys spending time outside with her children, playing classical piano, and baking anything with chocolate.