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Organized for Success for Middle School with Tammy Parker
Recorded course taught by Tammy Parker Middle School Life Skills


Organization and Habits combine to powerfully leverage a student’s time,

consequently raising grades and lowering stress.

Organization and Habits combine to powerfully leverage a student’s time, consequently raising grades and lowering stress.

Course Description: Students who “own” their own schedule make life better for themselves and others. By implementing solid systems of organization, while building good habits, students can better utilize their time. This improves their grades, as well as their relationships with others. Stress is reduced for both parent and student when good habits are combined with a clear system. This course gives the resources and instruction for a Middle Schooler to seize this opportunity.

Course Outline:

Day 1 ~ Assessing Your Schedule

Timing Activities

Class Times vs Study Blocks

Other Activities

Spreadsheet Basics

Day 2 ~ Setting Up Your Calendar

Life Balance

Color Coding

Normal vs Anomalies

Digital Calendar Basics

Day 3 ~ Tracking Your Assignments/Tasks

Minding Requirements

Checking Grades

Self Discipline & Self Control

Day 4 ~ Maintaining Your System

It all depends on YOU

Daily Maintenance

Weekly Updates

Semester Change-Overs

Course Materials: (see BOTH book and online)

Book: Learning to Learn: Strengthening Study Skills & Brain Power

by Gloria Frender, ISBN-13:  978-0865306073 (revised edition) OR ISBN-13:  978-1629500003 (the earlier edition). Note: Siblings may share a copy, as long as each has time to review the sections assigned or they work together. This book is a supplement to this course, and only certain portions will be assigned, yet utilizing other parts of this book is highly recommended prior to/post this course.

Online: Google Resources: Access to a Google Account.

    Note: Online Resources can and should be shared with a parent.

Google Calendar is utilized as a resource. Other digital calendars can be used by students, but the instructions/examples will reference Google Calendar.

Google Sheet Template: Click here to access Organized For Success Google Spreadsheet (for enrolled student use only). Students will receive instructions on how to use this during the first class.


Special Note: There is a High School version of this course.


Total Classes: 4

Duration: ~45 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested Credit: ⅓ semester credit

Instructor: Tammy Parker

Instructor email: mentor@pmamentor.com

Homework: Students should plan around 1 to 2 hours per day outside of class to review materials.


How to get the most out of Organized for Success for Middle School with Tammy Parker:

  • BEFORE the first class meeting, ensure you have the Course Materials (see below) AND view/print the Course Outline.

  • Prior to each, print class slides or have a notebook ready and available for class notes.

  • Follow assignments listed in each Class.

  • Watch or re-watch a class recording if you need to revisit information.

  • Do the assignments and self-evaluations in a timely manner for each Class.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records. There are also two surveys, one for Mrs. Parker and one for HSC.

Course name
Organized for Success for Middle School with Tammy Parker
Tammy Parker
Life Skills
Grade level
Middle School
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Start time
August 9th, 2022 at 12:00 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

Tammy Parker teaches Mathematics (Gamified), Business & Entrepreneurship, Career Explorations, Literature, and Logic. She is the founder of Professional Mentor Associates (PMA), which offers Accountability Mentoring, Mom Mentoring, Tutoring, Homeschool Consulting, and Career Exploration Mentoring.

Tammy has a Bachelor's degree in Finance from Michigan State University. Over the past thirty years, while homeschooling her six children & beyond, her true passion for education and mentoring became evident.

She shares her experience and expertise to help others succeed and ignite their own passion for becoming lifelong learners.

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Click  here to Meet Tammy Parker.

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