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X (Newer Course is now Available-retiring soon) Early Sacred Music with Carol B. Reynolds, Ph.D.
Recorded course taught by Carol Reynolds for High School Music

NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.

Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on June 30, 2025.  You may continue using this course; however, we highly suggest moving to the new, updated course.  

Early Sacred Music: An Exploration of Beauty

How to get the most out of Early Sacred Music With Carol B. Reynolds, Ph.D.:

1. First, make sure you are registered for the course at the web address below so that you can access the course materials which lie on my website. Register for Early Sacred Music at the monthly rate of $9/month.

2. For each unit of the course, you will "go to class" via "attending" the video lectures and reading the printed material (text) that is interspersed.  [note: if you happen to purchase the hard-copy version of this course--and some students choose to do that--then it comes in three parts:-- the printed materials in the Text, the assignments in the Workbook, and the video class sessions on the DVDs.]

3. Make sure you see and complete the quizzes that are placed throughout the course and stay on schedule for taking them. There is also a midterm and a final exam.

4. Once the course is completed, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

5. Please note that the course is available (complete) in a hard-copy form (hard-copy text, hard-copy workbook DVD set for lectures).  IF you wish that, instead of working online.  it is available at our store.

Total Classes:  12

Duration: c. 55 minutes of video "class" (lectures, interviews, visits to actual sites, discussion by specialists, many at those locations, musical excerpts). Text for each unit to be read, studied, and assignments. Short weekly quizzes. Time commitment between 3 1/2 and 5 hours a week, depending on the student.

Prerequisite: none

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Sacred Music, History, or Fine Arts

Instructor: Carol B. Reynolds, Ph.D.

Course Description:  A study of the development of our sacred music traditions by studying history and culture from Old Testament Times until 1400. The video portions within the "class lecture were shot on location in Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, Milan, Castellammare di Stabia (near Vesuvius), Cluny, Strasbourg, Paris, Speyer, Eisenach, Cologne, Canterbury, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Kizhi, Prague, and the US.

Issues covered in the course include music, art, architecture, development of notation and instruments, and commentary on  historical, theological, and philosophical topics. Major contributors to the course include the monastics from the St. Louis Abbey, Sr. Dame Margaret Truran OSB, Dr MIchael Dodds, Dr. Christopher Perrin, Dr. Jeremy Adams, Dr. Chris Anderson, and Dr. John Trapani, as well as the chant-singers and performers on Medieval instruments (the Italian Ring-Around-Quartet + friends) and on reconstructed historical instruments from Greco-Roman Times (Synalia, a marvelous group of archeo-ethnomusicologists who conduct research, build historical instruments, perform, and record "period" music for films including movies like Gladiator). All of these people and their expertise and performances will enrich the course greatly.

Weekly Outline:

  1. Introduction to Gregorian Chant. What is chant, where did it come from, and why has it remained the paradigm of liturgical music into present times?

  2. Jerusalem. On location with archeologist Yuval Edden, we explore Old Testament accounts, the key sites in Jerusalem, and the Jewish roots of Christian music.

  3. Into What World? Christianity moves from Jerusalem into an artistic and linguistic culture created by Ancient Greece.

  4. The Roman Empire. We recreate the sights and sounds of Antiquity on location in the shadow of Vesuvius by the experts of Synaulia.

  5. Pray Without Ceasing. With the Roman Empire’s collapse, we see the rise and spread of monasticism from the Egyptian desert to Saint Benedict at Monte Cassino near Rome.

  6. The Mass. The shape of Christian liturgy through the Dark Ages, its key elements, and influences on later eras.

  7. From Barbarians to Charlemagne. On location in Charlemagne’s capital of Aachen, we see how the Carolingian Renaissance unifies Europe and spreads a system of education that leads to our early musical notation.

  8. Elaboration. Humans decorate. We look at the magnificent illuminated manuscripts, books copied by hand, and the move from monophonic (single-voice) music to polyphony.

  9. Eastern Orthodoxy. The Christian Church in the Eastern Roman Empire followed its own path, retaining a chant tradition that resisted Western influence. On location in Russia, we hear the untuned bells and the marvelously rich sounds of the Russian choral tradition.

  10. Polyphony, Pilgrimage, and Crusade. Pilgrims from all across Europe sing as they trek to Jerusalem, Rome, Canterbury, and Santiago de Compostela. We visit the ruins of the greatest pilgrimage way station of all, the magnificent Abbey of Cluny in France.

  11. The Innovative 13th Century. Centers of learning move from the monasteries to Universities and cities across Europe vie to build the greatest Cathedrals in the new Gothic style. In a 15th-century church outside Milan, the Ring Around Quartet performs late medieval music.

  12. The Turbulent 14th Century. Plague, war, and famine sweep across Europe. Sophisticated musical notation leads to music of great complexity, and a Renaissance appears on the horizon. The Ring Around Quartet provides a glimpse of the new style, and we close the course with reflections from Prague.

Course Materials: The course materials are completely electronic (video lectures that precede each live lecture: text materials, vocabularies, chronologies, assignments, quizzes, etc.).  It is possible, if a student wishes, to purchase the course also in hard-copy at but everything a student needs is in the on-line materials.

Each student, therefore, is asked to purchase a semester-long access to the course materials (unless using the hard-copy version). There is special pricing for Homeschool Connections students ($30.00 for the semester) with This price will be available with a coupon code, emailed to each enrolled student.  Access to the course materials is valid for immediate family members too! This means you all can learn together as a family.

Homework: Students will view the video recorded lecture for each week’s topic (1 hour in length). The academic material for each week includes vocabulary, chronology, terminology, and research into specific topics.  There are unit quizzes as well as a mid-term and a final.  The mid-term is automated, but the final is not.  Correct and suggested answers are given in a .pdf for the final exam on the course website.

Course name
X (Newer Course is now Available-retiring soon) Early Sacred Music with Carol B. Reynolds, Ph.D.
Carol Reynolds
Art & Music ➤ Music
Grade levels
High School
Start time
January 13th, 2020 at 12:00 AM ET
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

Image for item
Carol Reynolds

About Carol Reynolds

Carol Reynolds is a musicologist and cultural historian specializing in Russian, East European, and German cultural history. She also works extensively as a Smithsonian Expert, leading travelers through Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, and Slovenia.

After a long career as a professor of music history at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Carol and her husband Hank bought a ranch in North Central Texas and began raising goats. Simultaneously, they became fascinated by homeschooling as well as the renewal of Classical Education.

Together, they began designing curricula at the secondary level to teach history through the lens of the Fine Arts. Their signature course "Discovering Music: 300 Years of Interaction in Western Music, Arts, History, and Culture" is used widely and was followed by "Exploring America's Musical Heritage," "America’s Artistic Legacy," "Imperial Russia, and "Early Sacred Music."

Next, they began developing programs for younger children and adult lovers of learning, including regular webinars on art and strategies for teaching history and the arts, opera workshops for those new to opera, and "boot camps" that introduce classic authors and great literary works.

Dr. Reynolds is a regular member of the "Classical Education Unhinged" along with Andrew Kern, Martin Cothran, Christopher Perrin, and Andrew Pudewa. She and her husband now live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, which makes them practically neighbors of CiRCE.

Click here for more info about Carol Reynolds!