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Course name
Christian Architecture through the Ages (World, Architecture, Church)
Recorded course taught by Phillip Campbell High School Church History

Christian Architecture through the Ages

Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on Dec. 30, 2024.  You may continue using this course; however, we highly suggest moving to the new, updated course.  



TESTIMONIAL: "As a fifteen year old homeschooler with a considerable interest in art and architecture, I can safely say this was an excellent class. Guided by Mr. Campbell’s fun and intuitive lectures, I acquired a deeper understanding of how sacred architecture developed over the ages, as well as a knowledge of how symbolism reflects church teaching. Along the way, we were introduced to some examples of the styles that we were studying, a vast collection of churches, paintings and baptisteries, as well as some secular buildings to compare and contrast. This class is great for anyone seeking knowledge on christian architecture. I certainly recommend it or any of Mr. Campbell’s classes to any high schooler looking to expand their knowledge on the subject, or those of his other classes." -Luke F.

Total Classes: 4

Prerequisite: None

Duration of each class: 55 minutes

Suggested High School Credit: 1/4 semester World History

Instructor Bio: Phillip Campbell

Course Description: This course will acquaint students with the basic components of Christian ecclesiastical architecture, beginning with the basilicas of the late patristic era and moving through the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-Classical and Neo-Gothic.

Course Outline:

Class 1: Late patristic basilicas,

Class 2: Romanesque and Gothic,

Class 3: Renaissance and Baroque elements,

Class 4: Revivalism and the Modern Descent

Course Materials: Any course materials will be provided free by the instructor.

Homework: There is no nightly homework; students will complete a comprehensive course quiz at the end of the four days. Recommend studying 20 minutes per night in preparation; the quiz takes about a half-hour.

Course name
Christian Architecture through the Ages (World, Architecture, Church)
Phillip Campbell
History ➤ Church History
Grade level
High School
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Start time
June 10th, 2024 at 11:30 AM ET
End time
June 13th, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET
Access start time
May 27th, 2024 at 8:00 AM ET
Access end time
December 31st, 2024 at 8:37 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

Phillip Campbell holds a BA in European History from Ave Maria University and a certificate in Secondary Education through Madonna University. He taught history and Scripture for the St. Augustine Homeschool Enrichment Program for ten years and is the author of the popular ” Story of Civilization” series by TAN Books. Mr. Campbell has also been published by The Catholic Textbook Project, Ave Maria Press, Our Sunday Visitor, Arx Publishing, and Arouca Press and his articles have appeared in online and print journals such as the St. Austin Review, New Oxford Review, and New Liturgical Movement.

Click here to find out more info about Phillip Campbell!

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