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Course name
Literary-Critical Essay Project with Mrs. Eleanor Nicholson (Survey)-For Live or Recorded students
Recorded course taught by Eleanor Bourg Nicholson High School Survey Literature

The project outlined below REQUIRES one of the following:

  1. Enrollment in live courses with Eleanor Bourg Nicholson. There is no additional fee for live course students.

  2. Instructor Access (for Recorded Course users or students enrolled in other literature courses). A $75 Instructor Access purchase is required to gain access to full page content. Click here to make an Instructor Access purchase.

Total Classes: This project involves up to five stages of development of a literary-critical paper. Stages are accompanied by instructions (both written and video-recorded), and each submission will receive comments, suggestions, and corrections from the instructor.

Duration: Varies.

Prerequisite: 1 semester Literature class (or other Literary Training); Previous Writing Course (via Homeschool Connections) or by recommendation of parent. Come ready and receptive! NB: If student has no experience writing, this course will not work well.

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: 1/2 semester Literature

Instructor: Eleanor Bourg Nicholson

Course Description: This course provides an individual student with the opportunity for lengthy, in-depth literary critical consideration of a text or texts. The student will work with the instructor, through conversation, analysis, and review, through the process of sculpting a literary critical paper. This will involve reading and brainstorming as well as four paper drafts. At the conclusion of the project, the instructor will provide the student’s parents with feedback regarding the progress of the entire project as well as observations and recommendations regarding the finished paper. In addition to the myriad of skills to be derived from this (in terms of writing ability, literary critical powers of observation, and aptitude in the development and articulation of an argument), this project provides training in college-level composition. NB: Particular schedule will be agreed upon by student and instructor.

Course Outline:

  • Choice of a novel & general theme (e.g. Reason versus the Imagination in Jane Eyre)

  • Reading text & brainstorming (2 weeks)

  • First draft (1-2 weeks)

  • Second draft (1-2 weeks)

  • Third draft (1-2 weeks)

  • Final draft  (1-2 weeks)

Course Materials:

  • Literary Text agreed upon by student/instructor.

Homework: Be prompt and thorough in the completion of each stage of paper development. If you stick to the schedule and are receptive to feedback, this should be a manageable and enjoyable project! You should set aside 1-3 hours a week for editing and writing. Sometimes the drafts will come quickly; at other times, you may find that you're struggling to come up with what to say. That's the time to reach out to your Instructor and throw some ideas around. The conversation and the feedback will spur you to renewed thought and creativity!

This course is copyright by Homeschool Connections and Eleanor Nicholson.

  • This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.

  • You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal homeschool and non-commercial use only. This is not to be used for homeschool co-ops without express written permission from Homeschool Connections.

Course name
Literary-Critical Essay Project with Mrs. Eleanor Nicholson (Survey)-For Live or Recorded students
Eleanor Bourg Nicholson
Literature ➤ Survey Literature
Grade level
High School
Course type
Recorded, free with subscription
Start time
October 24th, 2017 at 12:00 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

Mrs. Nicholson, our resident Victorian literature instructor, occasionally strays into fiction, including her epistolary novella, The Letters of Magdalen Montague (Kauffmann Publishing, 2011; Chrism Press, 2021), and her Gothic novels, A Bloody Habit (Ignatius Press, 2018) and Brother Wolf (Chrism Press, 2021). A former assistant executive editor for Dappled Things, she is an assistant editor for the Saint Austin Review (StAR), as well as the editor of several Ignatius Critical Editions of the classics and has collaborated with other editors to provide footnotes for numerous other works. Her work has appeared in the National Catholic Register and Touchstone, as well as with First Things and The Catholic Thing. By day, she and her husband, Dr. Sam Nicholson (Logic/Philosophy instructor), homeschool their five children. By night, Mrs. Nicholson reads the Victorians, writes Gothic novels, and cares for small children. Fun facts: Mrs. Nicholson has an extremely low tolerance for scary books and movies. She's still petrified of "The Speckled Band", and won't sleep in a room where the bed is under a vent. Also, one of Mrs. Nicholson's numerous sisters-in-law is middle school writing instructor Mrs. Bonnie Donlon. For more information, visit: eleanorbourgnicholson.com.

Click here to see more info about Mrs. Nicholson!!

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