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  • This course regularly costs $227.
  • A $20 Early Enrollment Discount will be applied if you purchase this course before November 15th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST.
  • This course has 22 seats remaining.

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Course name
Our Moral Life in Christ (Didache) Part Two
Live course taught by Holly Vaughan for Spring 2025 High School Moral Theology

So often we have a “hodgepodge” of information in our brain about our faith, instead of an organized knowledge of why we believe what we believe. It can also be hard to see how the facts we know about our faith, or even the faith in our hearts, can translate into day-to-day life. The goal of this course is to help students “organize” and add to their knowledge of the faith, as well as be able to see how the faith we profess in the pews each Sunday should extend beyond the Church building into everyday life – and to also see why that is so important in our lives and the lives of those that we encounter. Christian moral living is not boring, but leads to a more exciting life than we can imagine!

In Part Two of this course, we will continue with our in-depth study of the commandments, why they still matter today, and how broad their reach really is in our lives. We will also be looking at different types of prayer, learn what it really means to pray and why it shouldn’t be boring, acknowledging that the moral life cannot be truly embraced apart from prayer. We will wrap the course with a broad overview of how to practically live a truly Christian life.

Instructor: Holly Vaughan

Special notes

This is Part Two of a two-part course. Part One is a prerequisite.

Total classes


Class dates

Wednesdays, January 8 to April 9, 2025. (No classes on Feb. 5 or March 5)

Starting time

2:30 PM Eastern (1:30 PM Central; 12:30 PM Mountain; 11:30 AM Pacific)


55 minutes


Our Moral Life in Christ Part One

Suggested grade level

9th – 12th grade

Suggested credit

One Semester of Theology


Class 1: Recap and Review

Class 2: The Third Commandment

Class 3: The Fourth Commandment

Class 4: The Fifth Commandment

Class 5: Prayer Interlude – The Rosary

Class 6: The Sixth and Ninth Commandments

Class 7: Prayer Interlude – Lectio Divina

Class 8: The Seventh and Tenth Commandments

Class 9: Prayer Interlude – A Prayer Habit and Routine

Class 10: The Eighth Commandment

Class 11: Living the Christian Life

Class 12: Recap and Review


Our Moral Life in Christ, Didache Series; ISBN: 978-1-890177-29-4. Check bookfinder.com for used copies.


Homework is an estimated 30 minutes to an hour outside of class each week. Weekly homework will consist of a mixture of vocabulary quizzes, responding to questions from the book, and essay questions on applicable topics.


For all 12 classes: $207 if you register on or before November 15; $227 if you register after Nov. 15. (Registration closes one week before the first day of class. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments after the course is closed.)

Course name
Our Moral Life in Christ (Didache) Part Two
Holly Vaughan
Spring 2025
Theology ➤ Moral Theology
Grade level
High School
Course type
Seats available
30 seats available
Seats remaining
22 seats remaining
Start time
January 8th, 2025 at 2:30 PM ET
End time
April 9th, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET
Access start time
December 25th, 2024 at 12:00 AM ET
Access end time
December 15th, 2025 at 12:00 PM ET
Enrollment availability start time
March 1st, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET
Early enrollment discount ends
November 15th, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET
Late enrollment penalty start time
January 1st, 2025 at 12:00 AM ET
Enrollment availability end time
January 4th, 2025 at 11:50 PM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

About Holly Vaughan

Holly Vaughan comes to Homeschool Connections with an extensive background in parish catechetical work. She has experience in catechesis with all ages, particularly with middle school, high school, and adult faith formation. She has not only taught, but been involved in curriculum creation for all of these ages, and is especially interested in creating classes that teach in the format developed by the Early Church Fathers, which roots everything we learn in Scripture. After studying theology as an undergrad at the University of Dayton, she was accepted to the Master’s Program at Augustine Institute to study for her MA in Theology with a concentration in Sacred Scripture. She has a special love for helping high school and young adult students grow in their faith, and for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, both of which provide many opportunities to see people come alive as the teaching of our Catholic faith comes alive for them in a new way. Holly lives in rural Southern Illinois with her wonderful husband, who is a farmer, and her two amazing teenage sons, who are both Homeschool Connections students.

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  • To Humanity, Love Paul

  • That They May All Be One: Getting to Know St. Irenaeus, the Doctor of Unity

  • A Note to Restless Hearts – The Confessions of Saint Augustine

  • Click here for more info on Holly Vaughan!

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