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  • This course regularly costs $119.
  • A $20 Early Enrollment Discount will be applied if you purchase this course before November 15th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST.
  • This course has 24 seats remaining.

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Course name
George Eliot’s Middlemarch
Live course taught by Eleanor Bourg Nicholson for Spring 2025 High School Early Modern/Victorian Literature

Encounter the vast complexity of one of the greatest novels of English literary history.


 How to get the most out of Middlemarch

 With Eleanor Bourg Nicholson:

  • Read the course materials below and do the assigned reading (Book 1 of Middlemarch) BEFORE viewing the first class and read all assigned texts/chapters BEFORE all subsequent classes. IF YOU DON'T READ THE MATERIALS, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THE CLASSES!!

  • Take the weekly identification quiz BEFORE viewing each week's class. Refresh your memory on plot/character points you might have missed. Take the quiz a second time if you need to!

  • As you read, note down themes or questions.

  • You do NOT need to take notes as you watch each class unless it helps you focus!

  • Re-watch the recording and/or review the PowerPoint from class as needed.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for each week.

  • Repeat each week until the course is completed.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total Classes: ​6 weeks of classes

Duration: 55 minutes.

Prerequisite: ​Has attended at least one Literature Class previously. Read ​Book I of Middlemarch before Class 1.

Suggested Grade Level: 11-12.

Suggested Credit: 1​/2-semester Literature or Victorian Literature.

Instructor Bio: Eleanor Bourg Nicholson

Fee: For all 6 classes: $99 if you register on or before November 15; $119 if you register after Nov. 15. (Registration closes one week before the first day of class. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments after the course is closed.)

Course Description:  In George Eliot’s Middlemarch, A Study of Provincial Life (1871-2) we will delve into a wide range of historical issues, such as the status of women in society, the nature of marriage, humanism and idealism, religion, political reform, developments in industry, medicine, and education—all through the lens of the eventful and socially tumultuous English 1830s. In addition to cultivating artistic appreciation and a love of reading, this course facilitates the development of critical reasoning, the disciplined use of the imagination, and a strong knowledge of historical and literary context.

Course Outline:

·         Week 1: Introduction, Middlemarch, Book I.

·         Week 2: Middlemarch, Books II-III.

·         Week 3: Middlemarch, Book IV-V.

·         Week 4: Middlemarch, Book VI.

·         Week 5: Middlemarch, Book VII.

·         Week 6: Middlemarch, Book VIII; Review.

Course Materials: (Penguin, Oxford, or Dover editions recommended; other editions accepted)

·         George Eliot’s Middlemarch

Homework: 3 hours reading per week, 1 identification quiz per week; miscellaneous small assignments. A literary-critical writing project opportunity is available for extra credit.

Course name
George Eliot’s Middlemarch
Eleanor Bourg Nicholson
Spring 2025
Literature ➤ Early Modern/Victorian Literature
Grade level
High School
Course type
Seats available
25 seats available
Seats remaining
24 seats remaining
Start time
March 6th, 2025 at 2:30 PM ET
End time
April 10th, 2025 at 4:00 PM ET
Access start time
February 20th, 2025 at 12:50 AM ET
Access end time
October 31st, 2025 at 12:00 AM ET
Enrollment availability start time
February 23rd, 2024 at 10:50 AM ET
Early enrollment discount ends
November 15th, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET
Late enrollment penalty start time
February 27th, 2025 at 12:51 AM ET
Enrollment availability end time
March 3rd, 2025 at 7:51 AM ET
Relative due dates
Relative due dates are disabled for this course.

Mrs. Nicholson, our resident Victorian literature instructor, occasionally strays into fiction, including her epistolary novella, The Letters of Magdalen Montague (Kauffmann Publishing, 2011; Chrism Press, 2021), and her Gothic novels, A Bloody Habit (Ignatius Press, 2018) and Brother Wolf (Chrism Press, 2021). A former assistant executive editor for Dappled Things, she is an assistant editor for the Saint Austin Review (StAR), as well as the editor of several Ignatius Critical Editions of the classics and has collaborated with other editors to provide footnotes for numerous other works. Her work has appeared in the National Catholic Register and Touchstone, as well as with First Things and The Catholic Thing. By day, she and her husband, Dr. Sam Nicholson (Logic/Philosophy instructor), homeschool their five children. By night, Mrs. Nicholson reads the Victorians, writes Gothic novels, and cares for small children. Fun facts: Mrs. Nicholson has an extremely low tolerance for scary books and movies. She's still petrified of "The Speckled Band", and won't sleep in a room where the bed is under a vent. Also, one of Mrs. Nicholson's numerous sisters-in-law is middle school writing instructor Mrs. Bonnie Donlon. For more information, visit: eleanorbourgnicholson.com.

Click here to see more info about Mrs. Nicholson!!

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