Course Policies

Last updated February 26, 2024

Refund policy

Based on when a student is un-enrolled, refund amounts vary:

  • Ninety-five percent (95%) of the course fee is refunded for cancellations that are made up to one month before the first day of class.
  • Eighty-five percent (85%) of the course fee is refunded for cancellations up to two weeks before the first class.
  • Seventy-five percent (75%) of the course fee is refunded for cancellations between two weeks before the start date and up to the first day of the third session of class.

Expectations of Parents

1. Roles

Homeschool Connections is designed to support parents, not replace them. Know that we are here to help your family to the best of our ability, so that your student can have a great learning experience and grow in knowledge and faith.

2. Time Management

Please assist your student in managing his or her time. This can include using a student planner, scheduling time for reading and homework, and utilizing time-management tools such as a timer.

3. Supplies

Make sure your student has the necessary supplies. This can include the course materials and texts, lab equipment, and headset with a microphone.

4. Weekly Homework Checks

Schedule a time to sit down with your student each week to go over assignments due, to see if he or she needs assistance. A set time helps you to be aware of your student's progress, catch unintentional errors, and guide your student in learning how to navigate independent learning well.

5. Weekly Course Review

Please schedule time each week to go into your student's Caravel course page(s). Check to make sure homework is being turned in, in a timely way, and help your student plan to complete what is due soon.

6. Grades

Instructors post your student's grade in Caravel, and you can access the grades there. You will have access to your student's grades for six months after the course is completed. The instructor does not keep record of grades, aside from the Caravel system, so creating a master document now that you can use for post high school plans can make record keeping easier in the future.

7. Transcript Information

Though Homeschool Connections does not provide transcripts, you can use the class write ups in Caravel for your student's transcript. Simply copy and paste the write up information into your files for later access, and add the grade to your document when the course is completed.

Expectations of Students

A. Classroom Etiquette

1. The Classroom

Our Zoom classroom is a real classroom. It is a formal setting, and good manners are expected both in the chat box and when on the microphone. You are expected to treat your fellow students as you would like to be treated, which includes kind posts and responses that do not demean, ridicule, or present a negative attitude that is detrimental to the subject we are talking about or to a person, present or absent. Treat your instructor and monitor with respect.

2. Chat

  • Before Class: Chatting before class starts is appropriate and encouraged. Before class chat is a great time to get to know your classmates and make friends around the globe!
  • During Class: Once the class has begun, all chat is to stay on topic and addressed to the instructor. If you and another student chat together in the chat box regarding a side topic, class will be stopped and you'll be asked to stop the chat. Please note, these sessions are recorded.
  • Privacy Notice: Chat is Recorded. Everything that you write in the box will be able to be viewed in the future by the instructor, your parent(s), and fellow students. If inappropriate chat continues, you'll be asked to leave the class. That said, lively, positive chat that's on-topic (and moves what we're learning in class forward) is wholeheartedly encouraged!

3. Technical Problems

If you have a technical problem during class, address the issue to the course monitor.

B. Deadlines

  1. Deadlines are firm. Assignments are due on the date noted in the course.

  2. Late Assignments: Late assignments are graded at the discretion of the instructor; there is no guarantee that late assignments will be graded.

  3. Exceptions for Turning in a Late Assignment: If you have an extenuating circumstance (illness, death of a relative, etc.), if possible, please notify your instructor before the deadline, to let him or her know you need an extension.

C. Grades

  1. Grading Services: Most courses provide grading by the instructor. See the course description for details.

  2. Feedback: Some homework assignments will receive feedback and comments appropriate to the assignment, to help you grow your skills in the subject.

  3. Grade Records: Your grades are posted in Caravel, and you can access your grades there. You will have access to your grades for six months after the course is completed. The instructor does not keep a record of your grades aside from the Caravel system.

  4. Tracking Course Progress: It is the parents' responsibility to track a student's progress, including making sure that assignments are turned in properly and on time.

  5. Grade Records: Parents are the ultimate authority in their homeschool and assign the final grade on the student's transcript. Free homeschool forms, including record keeping forms, can be found at

D. Communication (Questions, Comments, and Concerns)

1. Course Content

All questions about course content and student performance should be directed at the instructor. Instructors will respond within 24 hours, except for Sundays, holy days, and breaks. Your instructor can be contact in Caravel. If you have trouble locating it, you can email

Send your questions sooner than later. Instructors most likely will not be able to answer questions about an assignment if you send the email the day before the assignment is due. Be responsible by working on your assignments many days before their due date.

2. Technical Problems

Direct all technical problems with Zoom or Caravel to (Your instructor may not be knowledgeable about technical issues.)

3. Proper Emails.

Because this is an educational course and not Twitter, Facebook, or instant messaging, address your correspondence "Dear Professor ..." Within the body of your email, use proper grammar, refrain from using slang, and sign your email with your full name.

4. Labeling Emails

When you have a question about content or an assignment, be sure to note the week and specific name of the content you're addressing. Give enough details so that both the question and the area from which it came is clear.

Because instructors often teach several courses, be sure to put the name of your course in the subject line of your email. This helps your instructor go to the content quickly and address your question in a timely way.

E. Academic Dishonesty (Cheating and Plagiarism)

1. Plagiarism Defined

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, taking someone else's assignment, and submitting it as your own; paraphrasing the ideas of another author without giving the name and source; submitting papers from the Internet as your own; and providing your work to another student to be copied (supporting plagiarism).

Plagiarism and cheating defraud the instructor of the opportunity to assess your work and ability. They are acts of theft and lying.

2. Cheating Defined

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, using memory aids during tests or quizzes without the instructor's expressed permission; using summaries/commentaries (Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, etc.) instead of reading the required works; accessing answer keys before completing homework or taking a test/quiz; copying another student's homework; and using the computer/internet to translate your language assignment.

Having another person, student, friend, or family member assist with the work (beyond what has been expressed in the class as acceptable help) is also considered cheating.

3. Grading and Academic Dishonesty

The first incident of academic dishonesty results in an F for the assignment. Your parents will be notified, and you'll be placed on academic probation. The second incident results in expulsion from the course without a refund.

F. Conclusion

We hope that these policies will help you be successful in your academic career and beyond. We are always open to your questions and suggestions, so please never hesitate to email your instructor or Homeschool Connections.